Clicking on the 'Documents' tab in the header of the resource will take you to a paginated list of the original documents.
To navigate the pages, use the next/previous buttons or enter the required page number in the 'Jump to page' box and select Go.
To view the document in full, with document details, click the thumbnail image or the title. Documents that are full text searchable are indicated by an icon of a folded book page.
The documents in African American Communities have been carefully indexed using multiple categories. To help you find what you are looking for, refine the document listing by Library, Document Type or Theme using the dropdowns at the top of the document list. You can make multiple selections within one category in order to search for multiple themes, for example. Click 'apply' to refine the list or 'close' to return to the main list. Use the 'Clear Filter' button to return to the default alphabetical list.
The list of original documents can also be sorted chronologically by Title, Date and Document Type or by Library, Collection or Theme, using the arrows next to each column heading.
You can also do a general search in the box in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
When on a document details page, you can choose to view the images individually or as thumbnails using the tabs above the image display. You can browse through the images using the left and right arrow buttons or selecting a page from the 'Go to' dropdown list.
For full text searchable documents, you can enter a search term in the search box and select Go. Any hits will be shown in red.
Below the image/thumbnail tabs are buttons to control your view: zoom, full screen and rotate. You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out, as well clicking and dragging to move the image around the screen.
Next: Weeksville Interactive Exhibition
Previous: What is African American Communities?